E-commerce (electronic commerce) is the buying and selling of goods and services over the Internet. Whether you have ten products or ten thousand, NetSavvy can build an e-commerce system to suit your needs.
If you have a large number of products and/or your product lines or prices change often, then you will probably need a shopping cart system. A shopping cart does more than just list your products for sale in an online catalogue. It can provide many additional features to help boost your sales, such as:
If you only have a few products, then NetSavvy can build a custom online order form for you. Such a form would allow your customers to select the products and quantities they wish to purchase, calculate the total cost (including postage and handling) and notify you of the sale by email. Payment can be accepted automatically online, or manually after the sale is processed. Then it is just a matter of sending your customer their products.
If you are selling downloadable products then it is essential that payment is processed and confirmed immediately, before providing the customer with a link to the downloadable product. NetSavvy can set up an online payment system for you to automate the entire process.